Provider of pressure equipment for chemical, petrochemical, refinery, conventional and nuclear power plants -
SC Iasitex SA Iasi
Producer of yarn, fabric and garments made of cotton 100% or in different mixtures of cotton with synthetic fibers -,
SC A6 Impex SA Cluj-Napoca
Producer of the electrical energy. The electrical energy is sold mainly on the Centralized Markets for Bilateral Contracts, but also on the Day-Ahead Market -
SC Sinterom SA Cluj-Napoca
Producer of sintered parts, sintered ceramic parts, spark plugs, tungsten and molybdenum wires, cast metal magnets -
SC Caromet SA Caransebes
Producer of steel constructions, hydro mechanical equipments, energetic equipments for thermal power stations, railway bridges, bogies, bogie frames and wheel sets for locomotive bogies -
SC Contactoare SA Buzau
Producer of parts for electrical connections, parts for low-voltage overhead power lines, low voltage electrical apparatus, metallic boxes and other accessories -
SC Inav SA Bucuresti
A research, development and design institute in the field of aerospace industry: aircraft calculation and construction, the aerodynamics, design -
SC Nova-Textile Bumbac SRL Pitesti
Producer of ready-made shirts, protection equipments and outside clothing, home articles -
SC Aisa Invest SA Cluj-Napoca
A company providing consultancy and management services, realising of projects to attract grants and other -